This website started during a transition that was obvious to all, going for dark colored hair to allowing the gray to slowly - painfully slow at times - to grow out. The thing is, we are always going through transitions. Some obvious to others, some obvious to us, and then there are those that are not obvious they just seem to happen, and it is a surprise to even ourselves. How can we possibly not know we are transitioning to something new? I feel this happens all the time, ever so slowly that it is not something we can see. My latest transition was a combination of all those types of transitions. I knew and was being purposeful about a transition, it was obvious to others, but the exact transition still seemed to surprise me in how and what occurred. I bet you are dying to find out…maybe not, here it is anyway. I left my job and embarked on my retirement project. A project of passion to find something meaningful to fill my days and what more meaningful pursuit than to be of service to another. I began the journey into health and wellness during yoga teacher training, then deeper as an Ayurvedic Clinician, deeper yet getting Reiki certified, then more depth with additional Ayurvedic training which resulted in a me obtaining a NAMA certification as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, to obtaining a massage therapist license, culminating in me opening my own wellness business out of my home. Seriously, how did I not know this was going to happen - well I did as there was clear effort in a direction, but it was the deeper transition that surprised me. Something others who had not seen me in a while mentioned and could not exactly state what it was. What happened was hard work and personal reflection to move from purpose, attachment to results, drive, and ambition to just letting something come in whatever way it does. There was no coaxing, direction, or expectations of a specific outcome. Never in my life have I not had plans on how things would turn out and a drive to make that happen. No, this time I let that go. I prayed and was ever present for a sign, an answer, a direction. Where I ended up was never on my radar, but it is perfect. The people I met, the guidance giving, the thoughtfulness. The continued ability to march forward, hit something (these were not obstacles but pivot points), bounce off and head a new direction without injury or insult was so refreshing. To lose attachment to desire and know with amazing certainty in my heart (definitely, not my head) that everything was going to work out as it should. This was refreshing to say the least. Fear for sure was there until I allowed the heart to take over and breathe out the fear. Meditation was helpful to calm the mind, add focus where needed, and to allow what I needed to seep into my awareness. All the past skills I learned, all the ability I had to manifest sprang into action exactly where and when they were needed to bring the dream into reality but not a minute before they were required. What a very interesting path this has been and even though the business is now manifested, the journey has not been fully realized. Now that this concrete/ physical aspect is completed I am happy to return to the unknown and begin again to take steps in the darkness allowing the path to be illuminated for me as it should be. I highly encourage trying this but know if will not be easy. It was difficult to know when it was time to manifest and when it was just desire. The one certainty was when aspects of what I thought was the way to go, continued to have pivot points, people would enter my life and say that is not the way, or consider this vs, that. Not always what I wanted to hear but understanding it was what I needed to hear. I realize now I could have pushed through this guidance, but now I see the flaws in that particular direction, and I am thankful to have listened. I’m still learning but I liked the ‘surprise’ of the transition as it revealed itself to me, so off we go.